Guatemala Short-term Missions trip

February 11 - 18, 2023

Day 1 | Saturday, Feb. 11

Traveling from CR to Guatemala

by Steve Oliver

Travel, Day 1

Today we gathered in cars and vans at 3:30 in the morning to ride to Moline. We all arrived in good spirits and had a very helpful attendant named Kayla help us with our luggage and our passports.

At 7am, we took off on our American Airlines flight #1 which took us to the lovely Dallas/Fort Worth. The flight was smooth but a bit cramped. We were glad to get out of the plane and walk a bit.  We got to walk together to the shuttle to get us to our terminal and proper gate for our next flight. While at the Dallas airport during our 10am -12pm layover, we were able to stretch our legs, get some lunch and have some good conversations getting to know one another.

We excitedly got on our flight to Guatemala City at 12:30pm. The flight was a little turbulent but mostly smooth and by God’s Grace we all made it in one piece, and after going through customs we were picked up by the shuttle from the hotel we’ll stay at for just tonight.

There we met Ben with Bethel Ministries who had our hotel rooms booked and checked in for us. Then we ate dinner altogether at 6:30pm and had a wonderful time organizing for the rest of the week. Sunday we will travel to Retalhuleu, which is the city where we will be ministering for the week. We will have different accommodations there.

Please pray for our travel on Sunday. We have a four hour drive to our destination where we will work and stay for the week. Please pray that God puts us in the path of people who need to hear his truth in addition to those we will already be visiting. And pray for health, safety and single mindedness together as we attempt to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the town of Reuthaleu and the surrounding areas.


Our Guatemala Missions Work

Rick Fulton, the founder of Mission Mobility, leads short-term trips to Guatemala, partnering with Grace Community Church. During these trips, teams work alongside Bethel Ministries to distribute the wheelchairs and walkers that they’ve been collecting all year long.

Teams also build metal homes for families. These homes typically include a fuel-efficient wood stove, triple bunk beds and pouring a concrete floor. The team also collects food, clothes and blankets to distribute and they carry it with them throughout the week as they distribute it in multiple locations.