Summer Missions Trip

July 21 - 28, 2024

Pastor Josh Haveman will lead the upcoming trip to Guatemala. The trip will likely cost between $1,300 - $1,600 plus project expenses. Fundraising will begin immediately after the team is selected.

Have questions about the trip?
Email Pastor Josh at

About Guatemala missions

Grace partners with Bethel Ministries, a ministry headquartered in Guatemala, to build homes, visit needy families in their homes, and distribute wheelchairs while in rural Guatemala.

While on-site the disabled are given new wheelchairs, as well as canes and crutches, and then they are prayed for by pastors of local churches before they are sent on their way.

Teams also build metal homes for families. These homes typically include a fuel-efficient wood stove, triple bunk beds and pouring a concrete floor.

The team also distributes food, clothes and blankets throughout the week as they visit the poor, widowed, and orphaned in rural villages.

The Bethel team in Guatemala


Ben and Emily

Benjamin and Emily moved to Guatemala at the end of 2016 to work full time with Bethel. They spend most of their time out on the field with our missions teams who build houses, give out food and clothes, and do wheelchair distributions. Benjamin has now become a director of BMI, and Emily oversees communications for BMI.

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Nick and Izzy

Nicholas and Elizabeth Frey had partnered with BMI for five years by leading teams down here, before making the big leap to move down and work with BMI full time in 2018. They have been a valuable asset to our team by being extremely hard-working and relational - making amazing connections with our volunteers and those whom we serve.

Support Guatemala missions by purchasing Gaut's Up coffee.

Partners for Guatemala Short-Term Missions

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